Definition Type: SimpleType
Name: PrescriptionType
Containing Schema: CommonTypes_20191113.xsd
-	Specifies the e-Prescription (eRx) transaction type using Values: eRxRequest, eRxCancellation.
-	Based on this Type certain optional elements in the transaction may become mandatory.
-	Fields mandated based on type can be found in the Validation Rules table.
Collapse XSD Schema Diagram:
XSD Diagram of PrescriptionType
Collapse XSD Schema Code:
<xs:simpleType name="PrescriptionType">
        -	Specifies the e-Prescription (eRx) transaction type using Values: eRxRequest, eRxCancellation.
        -	Based on this Type certain optional elements in the transaction may become mandatory.
        -	Fields mandated based on type can be found in the Validation Rules table.
    <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
        <xs:enumeration value="eRxRequest" />
        <xs:enumeration value="eRxCancellation" />
Collapse Facets:
Facet Value
Enumeration eRxRequest
Enumeration eRxCancellation