Definition Type: SimpleType
Name: EncounterEnd
Containing Schema: CommonTypes_20191113.xsd
-	In general this is the time the patient ceases to be under the direct care of a responsible clinician
-   For inpatients and day patients this would be the discharge date and time.
-   For emergency patients this would be the time that the patient was released from the ER
-	Note: EncounterEnd is not required for outpatients, even though the field logic applies analogously to other outpatients.
Collapse XSD Schema Diagram:
XSD Diagram of EncounterEnd
Collapse XSD Schema Code:
<xs:simpleType name="EncounterEnd">
        -	In general this is the time the patient ceases to be under the direct care of a responsible clinician
        -   For inpatients and day patients this would be the discharge date and time.
        -   For emergency patients this would be the time that the patient was released from the ER
        -	Note: EncounterEnd is not required for outpatients, even though the field logic applies analogously to other outpatients.
    <xs:restriction xmlns:q7="" base="q7:DateTimeForm" />
Collapse Derivation Tree: