Definition Type: SimpleType
Name: ContractDeletionDate
Containing Schema: CommonTypes_20191113.xsd
- Enter ExpiryDate of the policy unless the member has been removed prior to the expiry of the policy, in which case, enter the day at 00:00hrs local time, month and year (dd/mm/yyyy) on which the insured member's coverage ceases as the result of his/her deletion at the request of the PolicyHolder.
- if there is no deletion date, this field needs to be filled with the expiry date of the policy.
Collapse XSD Schema Diagram:
XSD Diagram of ContractDeletionDate
Collapse XSD Schema Code:
<xs:simpleType name="ContractDeletionDate">
        - Enter ExpiryDate of the policy unless the member has been removed prior to the expiry of the policy, in which case, enter the day at 00:00hrs local time, month and year (dd/mm/yyyy) on which the insured member's coverage ceases as the result of his/her deletion at the request of the PolicyHolder.
        - if there is no deletion date, this field needs to be filled with the expiry date of the policy.
    <xs:restriction xmlns:q1="" base="q1:DateForm" />
Collapse Derivation Tree: