<xs:simpleType name="ClaimDateLastTransaction">
- The latest date at which the ClaimStatus changed.
- Example 1:
- A provider submits a Claim on June 12 2012.
- The Payer receives the Claim on June 14 2007.
- Since that time the Claim has been in process with the Payer.
- For the Provider ClaimDateLastTransaction is 12/06/2012, whereas for the Payer ClaimDateLastTransaction is 14/06/2012.
- Example 2:
- A Payer receives a Claim on June 12 2012.
- On June 19 the Payer asks the Provider for necessary supporting detail about the Claim.
- The Provider has not replied since.
- ClaimDateLastTransaction is 19/03/2007 for both the Payer and the Provider.
- Restrictions: Needs to be at or after ClaimDateReceived and cannot be in the future.
<xs:restriction xmlns:q5="http://www.eclaimlink.ae/DHD/ValidationSchema" base="q5:DateTimeForm" />