Definition Type: SimpleType
Name: ActivityStart
Containing Schema: CommonTypes_20191113.xsd
-	The date and time at which Activity started.
-	For PriorAuthorizations, this refers to the date on which the Activity is scheduled/prescribed.
-	Note: If the date, but not the time is not recorded, the time should be assumed to be 00:00
-	Restrictions: Needs to be after 01/06/2012 and before the present.
Collapse XSD Schema Diagram:
XSD Diagram of ActivityStart
Collapse XSD Schema Code:
<xs:simpleType name="ActivityStart">
        -	The date and time at which Activity started.
        -	For PriorAuthorizations, this refers to the date on which the Activity is scheduled/prescribed.
        -	Note: If the date, but not the time is not recorded, the time should be assumed to be 00:00
        -	Restrictions: Needs to be after 01/06/2012 and before the present.
    <xs:restriction xmlns:q8="" base="q8:DateTimeForm" />
Collapse Derivation Tree: